Lauretta’s accounting knowledge, as well as her knowledge of QuickBooks, is second to none.
- August 3, 2022
- Posted by: Lauretta Finis

What a wonderful feedback
As a consultant, a BAS Agent and a business owner, I always appreciate reading – testimonials from my clients and reading how much I have supported them.
I received such wonderful feedback from Rhonda and I was surprised, as I didn’t realise just how much impact I made to their whole business.
Rhonda approached me some time back, to help her move from another accounting software to QuickBooks. It was an interesting journey for the company. It takes only some incorrect advice previously to get it so so wrong. It affects financials, BAS lodgements and TAX returns.

I took over Rhonda’s company books, and first ran a Health check so I could diagnose what was wrong. Rhonda’s business is in the IT industry Milnsbridge Managed IT Services.
From there I could work out our next steps and start the “rescue” of her books.
As we went along I gave Rhonda some training too for her fix some of the issues. I would do the high end fixes and allow Rhonda to do the parts she knew already.
Here is Rhonda’s Journey and what she has to share:
We were advised our CRM was no longer supporting our current software package and we had to change our Accounting Software package to an online platform with only a couple of months’ notice. We chose Quick Books Online and before we made the move, I looked for somewhere to get training and found Quick Bizness Bookkeeping Solutions. Lauretta was most helpful and provided me with plenty of resources to start with before I even had the software.
We had a third-party company handle the data migration and initial set up as time was critical. They completed the work, and we were then pretty much left to our own devices to work it out. Despite advising them that we wanted to change from inventoried to non-inventoried, they brought across all the inventory, and this started to cause problems from the start. Starting to operate in QBO was proving a challenge as we found more problems with the migration and set up.
I reached out to Lauretta having seen the Health Review and Rescue options on the website and after our intro 15-minute chat, I knew that we were in good hands and get the right support with Lauretta. Lauretta completed the Health Review and found that there was so much more that was set up incorrectly. Around the same time I found out I needed urgent surgery. This would take me out of action completely for several weeks and after that working from home for a few months, so now time was even more critical.
Lauretta was amazing and prioritised our Rescue due to the urgency and corrected the migration and set up issues. As I do have some bookkeeping experience, Lauretta allowed me to choose what tasks she did or if I would do them, so as not to use up support hours on things I could do myself but was more than happy to do so if I wanted her to. Lauretta also knew our previous accounting software we used very well and could advise us on how to make QBO ( QuickBooks) work even better for our needs and transitioning was made that much easier.
Lauretta was a saving grace and got everything up to spec before my surgery and was also available to assist in my absence, it was such a relief! After each session we would be updated on the work performed and the time taken and the remaining support hours, I really appreciated the clear communication from Lauretta.
When we needed to set up other entities we have into QBO, we went straight to Lauretta and it was so easy, a few reports and a bit of background information and it was done with no errors and nothing to fix! We were up and running within a couple of days. Easy set-up!
Lauretta’s accounting knowledge as well as her knowledge of QBO is second to none and she fills any blanks I have, in a common sense and practical way.
The response time is excellent and whenever I need assistance, she is always there ready and willing to help.
Lauretta’s friendly and professional manner, not to mention her extensive knowledge makes QBBS an obvious choice, in fact it is the only choice for us.